See How Your Marketing Efforts Are Impacting Your Business Results with Incrementality Measurement

Facebook Business

We know it can be challenging to understand how much additional business results your marketing efforts are driving. That’s why we’ve partnered with leading marketers across industries to produce a best practices guide to implementing an incrementality measurement strategy. Incrementality measurement helps you determine the value of a business strategy by comparing people who’ve been impacted by the strategy to those who haven’t. These insights can then help you make more informed business decisions by helping you understand how and where marketing is contributing to business results.

The incrementality measurement guide walks you through some of the essential questions and considerations for adopting an incrementality measurement strategy. We also launched a new Facebook IQ series page which includes insights and tips to help you determine how your marketing efforts are driving business value. We’ll continue to update the page with new content to help you maximize the effectiveness of your marketing.

To get started with incrementality measurement, you’ll need to determine the business question you want to answer. Then, we recommend asking yourself and the publishers you work with these questions to make sure your test is set up for success.

  1. Have I isolated the question I want to answer?
  2. Will my test provide enough data to accurately answer the question I’m asking?
  3. When someone is assigned to a treatment group, can I be sure they’ll stay in that group for the entire test?
  4. Does my experiment act like it would in the real world?
  5. Do the test groups and control groups have the same characteristics and propensity to take action?

Get more tips to implement a successful incrementality measurement strategy and understand how your marketing efforts are impacting your business results.

Download the Guide

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Best Practices Measurement FYI